Committee Members 2024-2025
Prof. François Heilbronn Prof. Mark Shtaif
Dr. André Amiach Prof. Haim Ben-Shahar Dr. Avram Chesner Dr. Henry Cohen Ms. Daphna Cohen-Mintz Ms. Barbara Cohn Dr. Arturo Constantiner Prof. Dr. Henryk Dancygier Ms. Norma Drimmer Ms. Emily Furman |
Mr. Joseph Hackmey Adv. Israel Kantor Mr. Stephen E. Lieberman Mr. Mike Medavoy Ms. Laura Merage Dr. Gerald Niznick Dr. Harry Perelberg Dr. Howard L. Pranikoff Ms. Evi Selwyn Ms. Sylvia Simko |
Mr. Guillermo M.R. Strauss Ms. Linda Streit Ms. Phyllis Topchik Mr. Robert van der Heijden Prof. Shlomo Wientroub Prof. Haim Wolfson Mr. Edwin Wulfsohn Prof. Shimon Yankielowicz Mr. Alexander Yuhjtman Mr. Zohar Zisapel |
What's TAU’s Master Plan for the campus in the next 10 years? Which buildings are being constructed and for what purpose? How are we creating more parking while preserving green spaces on campus? How environmentally sustainable are we and where is there room for improvement?
Ms. Selina Goren Komeran Ms. Roslyn Kushinsky
Mr. Jacques Abecassis Ms. Sonia Abramovitz Mr.Jorge Adler Mr. Alfred Akirov Mr. Avi Attias Prof. Dafna Benayahu Mr. Keith Beville Mr. Dan Z. Bochner Ms. Daphna Cohen-Mintz Mr. Norbert Cymbalista |
Mr. Amnon Dick Prof. Erez Etzion Mr. Gady Frank Prof. David Furth Mr. Joseph Hackmey Prof. Liat Kishon-Rabin Prof. David Leviatan Mr. Mordehai Kohn Prof. Hanoch Levy Mr. Norman Lipoff Mr. Ofer Lugassi |
Prof. Drorit Neumann Dr. Arie Nesher Dr. Sima Ophir Mr. Menachem Oren Ms. Rosie Potaznik Adv. Yehuda Raveh Ms. Sylvia Simko Mr. Thomas Steyer Adv. Yehuda Raveh Mr. Alexander Yuhjtman |
Excellence is inclusive and inclusiveness breeds a sense of community and belonging, enabling people to flourish.
Help achieve our common goals to build bridges, create meaningful connections and realize our potential.

Prof. Dafna Benayahu Mr. Keith Beville Ms. Norma Drimmer Prof. David Furth Adv. Theodore Goloff Ms. Selina Goren Komeran Mr. Noam Lautman |
Prof. Drorit Neumann Ms. Daphna Peyser Ms. Rada Sumareva Mr. Doron Tamir Mr. Yaffa Tegegne Ms. Andrea Wine |
TAU’s budget is comprised of government funding and private donations.
Get a better understanding of the inner machinations of how the University operates financially.
Mr. Zvi Ziv Mr. Tim Schlindwein
Dr. Mario Arthur Adler Mr. Keith Beville Dr. h.c. Josef Buchmann Mr. Stewart M. Colton Mr. Amnon Dick Mr. Clive Donner Mr. Clement Erbmann Mr. Erez Etzion Mr. Robert Faktor Ms. Sharon Feldman Mr. Zeev Feldman Mr. Gady Frank Ms. Emily Furman Prof. Neil Gandal Mr. Alexander Gertner Mr. Jon Gurkoff Mr. Jeffrey Katz Mr. Chaim Katzman AdMr. Mordehai Kohn Adv. Doron Kochavi |
Ms. Joan C. Lessing Ms. Dalia Lev Prof. Dany Leviatan Mr. David Leviatan Mr. Stephen E. Lieberman Mr. Yehoshua Maor Mr. Ralph Mandell Mr. Roger Mendelson Mr. Gur Naaman Ms. Shira Navon Mr. Ben Nemenyi Mr. Menachem Oren Mr. Jack Orman Dr. Harry Perelberg Mr. Marshall Polk Ms. Rosie Potaznik Mr. Gad Propper Adv. Yoram Raved Adv. Yehuda Raveh Dr. Herman Reich
Mr. Larry Rich Mr. David Roitman Mr. Yair Rotlevy Mr. Itzhak Rotman Ms. Mariana Sadeh Mr. Amos Sapir Mr. Alan Silberstein Mr. Michael H. Steinhardt Mr. Joseph Steinman Mr. Zvi Stepak Mr. Elli Streit Mr. Doron Tamir Mr. Shimon Topor Ms. Yona Uspiz Dr. Victor Wayne Mr. Edwin Wulfsohn Mr. Eduardo Wurzmann Prof. Shimon Yankielowicz CPA Ezra Yehuda Mr. Alexander Yuhjtman CPA Ezra Yehuda |
A significant percentage of TAU’s budget relies on income from investments and it must maintain a certain level of return in order to cover expenses.
Learn how the University decides and implements investment strategies and policies.
Mr. Edwin Wulfsohn Mr. David Granot
Dr. Mario Arthur Adler Mr. Alfred Akirov Ms. Iris Barshak Ms. Dafna Benayahu Ms. Rita Brainin Mr. Amnon Dick Mr. Clive Donner Dr. Mervyn Druian Mr. Arie Dubson Mr. Clement Erbmann Mr. Sharon Feldman Mr. Zeev Feldman Mr. Gady Frank Mr. Jeffrey Glassman Mr. Amnon Golan Mr. Robert Goldberg Mr. Mordehai Kohn |
Ms. Joan C. Lessing Ms. Dalia Lev Prof. Dany Leviatan Mr. David Leviatan Mr. Teodoro Maus Mr. Yehoshua Maor Mr. Ben Nemenyi Mr. Ehud Or Adv. Israel Peled Dr. Harry Perelberg Mr. Marshall Polk Ms. Rosie Potaznik Mr. Gad Propper Mr. Yehuda Raveh Mr. Leon Recanati Dr. Hermann Reich |
Mr. Larry Rich Mr. Yair Rotlevy Mr. Itzhak Rotman Ms. Mariana Sadeh Mr. Amos Sapir Mr. Ari Schach Mr. Avi Shaked Mr. Alan Silberstein Mr. Richard D. Sincere Mr. Joseph Steinman Mr. Zvi Stepak Mr. Elli Streit Mr. Doron Tamir Mr. Jeff Wagman Dr. Victor Wayne CPA Ezra Yehuda |
TAU’s Constitution provides the framework for the powers and rights bestowed on its various bodies: The Board of Governors, the Senate, and TAU leadership and management.
Changing circumstances at times necessitate adapting the meet the demands of the day. Your legal background can help define and craft these amendments.
Mr. James M. Dubin Prof. Josef Gross Adv. Shirin Herzog
Mr. Yosi Benlevi Ms. Anette Bollag-Rothschild Ms. Bareket Buchmann Mr. Amnon Golan Adv. Teddy Goloff Adv. Israel Kantor Mr. John Landerer Adv. Meir Linzen |
Mr. Stewart Litvak Hon. Howard Nathan Adv. Yoram Raved Prof. Amos Shapira Mr. Alan Sieroty Ms. Jacqueline Simkin Mr. Alan M. Stein, L.L.B |
Our students are not only the future, they are the heartbeat of campus life. Many, however, need assistance on some level, whether academic, financial, psychological or social.
The Dean of Students Office does tremendous work to support thousands of students each day on all levels, but there is always more to be done!
Ms. Linda Streit Prof. Drorit Neumann Ms. Rosie Potaznic
Dr. Andre Yves Amiach Mr. Keith Beville Ms. Daphna Cohen-Mintz Ms. Susan Coller Ms. Ethel Cygler Ms. Claire Dalfen Mr. Ariel David Ms. Paulina Deutsch Mr. Amnon Dick Ms. Norma Drimmer |
Mr. Mervyn Druian Ms. Galia Feiler Ms. Selina Goren Komeran Prof. Nitza Katz Ms. Roslyn Kushinsky Mr. David Leviatan Hon. Howard Nathan Mr. Miguel Pinkas Ms. Rosie Potaznik |
Mr. Marc Rothman Judge Barbara Seal Ms. Ruth Shamir-Popkin Mr. Guillermo M. R. Strauss Ms. Rada Sumareva Mr. Doron Tamir Ms. Andrea Wine Prof. Paul Zimmet Ms. Vivien Zimmet |
Click here to view the BOG 2023 Committees Resolutions