Who We Are

Learn more about TAU's Board of Governors



Tel Aviv University's Board of Governors is the highest authority of the University. It is a self-governing body that acts within the powers and authorities conferred upon it under the Tel Aviv University Constitution including:


  • Approving an amendment to the Constitution
  • Assisting in financing the University's budgets
  • Coordinating the operations of Friends Associations of the University in Israel and abroad
  • Recommending the establishment of new Friends Associations
  • Approving a recommendation of the search committee for the appointment of the Chairperson of the Board of Governors and to appoint him or her
  • Removing the Chairperson of the Board of Governors
  • Electing deputy chairpersons and vice chairpersons
  • Ratifying the election of the President; and
  • Approving the award of honorary degrees


What We Do


The Board of Governors is comprised of Israeli and international members. All members are leading figures in their community from an array of backgrounds including business, high-tech, journalism, academia, the arts and public service, who share a deep commitment to the State of Israel and to the development and ongoing success of the University, a willingness to help promote the outstanding teaching and research pursued across campus and to expand its network of valued friends. Each term is two years.


Members of the Board of Governors are expected to:


  • Be active in their local Friends Association which can be expressed in multiple ways: by attending events, helping organize events and widening the network of friends and supporters;
  • Attend the Annual Board of Governors meeting on Tel Aviv University’s campus, which usually takes place in May;
  • Donate a minimum amount over the three preceding years or introduce TAU to new donors with substantial capacity to support TAU’s programs or to public figures who can advance TAU’s standing.




One of the Chairwoman’s goals is to bring Governors closer to the University, to see and experience its magic from within. The Board of Governors committees provide the perfect vehicles through which Governors can learn about and contribute to our evolving life on campus.


Governors are invited to join the University’s journey by following their passion and joining committees so the University can share with you the latest developments in that realm. It also offers Governors a chance to share their insights as to how things could be enhanced moving forward


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